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Today I awoke to reality. I awoke from my dream; the most delightful dream I've ever had, a dream full of brightness, peacefulness, and happiness. As I walked along a never-never land, barefoot, in a soft cushion of green grass sanctified with morning dew, I looked straight forward as far as my eyes could see and witnessed a solid, luminous ray of light emanating from a distance. And, all of a sudden, I had euphoria deep down my heart as I saw the ray of light strike a multifaceted diamond, as big as my fist, hanging itself from the formerly dark and tranquil space around me. In no time, the whole world around me just illuminated as the diamond cut the thin incident ray laterally and propagated it into infinitely many rays passing through its facets in numerous directions. As I turned around in awe, I saw the sky above me studded with innumerable other star like gemstones of all colors available in nature. These gemstones were happily engaging themselves with their job of refracting the incident rays of light into many different colors. At every beat of my heart, the ambience became increasingly more illuminated. To my surprise, I saw two naked babies toddling along the green lawn not too far from where I was standing. They both turned briefly towards me as if to acknowledge my presence. Then, something suddenly deviated my attention. I heard psychedelic voices of pigeons singing from the vegetation surrounding me. Surprisingly, I understood their song as it translated itself into "Congratulations! You've made it." Immediately, as I turned to look back where those two babies were, I found out they had long disappeared.
No sooner had I been caressed with a cool breeze than my eyes caught sight of paradisiacal scenery of flowers blooming in the meadows nearby. They bloomed in all hues and colors pleasant to my eyes. I rejoiced smiling at them as they welcomed my presence with a hearty smile. Not to mention the fragrance they shed into the air was just so unbelievably delirious. I stood there in total amazement, with my senses pushed to the pinnacle. My emotions were running high like on a roller coaster. My heart skipped with joy and my heartstrings began strumming themselves. I turned around once again not knowing what lay ahead or which way to go. That brought me to the realization that the path I had taken to get to this ephemeral place wasn't there anymore, nor was there any way further. With a jab of intuition, I blurted out, "Oh, I have no reason to go further."
As I gazed a million miles straight into the boundless horizons and up above the unfathomably deep skies, I found my existence at a place where there was no pull of gravity, no tension, no coercive force of any kind whatsoever. I had become a self-propelling and self-sustaining cosmic phenomenon. My free will was operating in full swing. Moreover, my categorizing and biased mind had given way to wholesomeness and neutrality. I discovered myself as a sentient being with absolute power and in total control over anything, but at the same time, I was selfless and unexploitative. As soon as I realized that, all rays that had been dispersed into the fanciful world around me suddenly aligned and converged into a thin, rigid ray, just like the one I saw in the very beginning, and headed directly towards me. As I closed my eyes, it painlessly and quietly perforated the center of my forehead and a stunningly beautiful eye appeared therePage 2 of 2
The ray, then, vanished. As I opened my eyes, the third eye faded into my forehead. I readily felt that I was nowhere but right here on Earth. I found myself standing in the middle of the Japanese Tea Garden located in San Francisco. It was fall. Mother nature had put on one of her most spectacular displays as native flora finished out the growing season in a brilliant display of fall colors.
Then I had a flashback. In biology class that I took last semester, I had learned fall colors are associated with both the plant's genetic factors and the environment. Produced in foliage all year round, carotene and xanthophylls are pigments responsible for yellow coloration. Tannins give tans and browns. And chlorophyll, without much explanation, gives green. Because of short days and cool temperatures in autumn, production of chlorophyll slows down and the remaining chlorophyll breaks down and disappears. Then the yellows, the tans, and the browns that have been masked by chlorophyll show up. These pigments give the ginkgo its bright yellow color. Redbud, hickory, birch, larch, and witch hazel turn hues of yellow and gold. In fall, however, long sunny days and cool nights increase sugar content of the leaves and intensify fall reds. That's what gives foliage its astonishing beauty. In winter, frost and freezing temperatures will stop the coloration process and blacken the leaves. I recalled everything with my photographic memory.
Owing to the heavenly fall colors and the environment, what I had experienced earlier in the form of surreal dream was more like experiencing heaven first hand. I had sensed the epitome of happiness right here on Earth.
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