The War Between Creatures And Humans
In the time before books and the extinction of the dinosaurs, there was peace in the land. On one side, there was pasture, trees, animals and green grass; a kingdom where humans and dwarfs lived. On the other side, there were dark, damp caves, beautiful torchlight and riches beyond belief; this was the kingdom where the dragons lived. Fred, the king of the dragons, had leathery wings; the sharpest and most brilliant green scales and breathed blazing blue fire. Fred was proud of his country and often gloated to the humans saying ‘Look at my people! They are happy, joyful and we have many riches.’
This annoyed the humans, and one day they swarmed like flies to meat towards the mountains of the dragons. The humans, with the help of the dwarfs, attacked without warning and quickly overpowered the dragon kingdom. The human’s king was a knight named Fancy-Pants who owned different colored pants and a magical pencil. Fancy-Pants was indestructible as long as he held the pencil in his hand.
The humans slew many dragons, and took the survivors into caves to make them stand trial. “These dreadful creatures are sentenced to an eternity of slavery and imprisonment”, announced the judge. “This is for taking our crops and our children; not to mention our land too.” Fred suddenly lost control and bellowed fire at the judge, “NEVER!” he roared. “Quickly! Put a muzzle on him”, screamed Fancy-Pants. The dragons were sentenced to slavery in the human mines, homes and as airplanes. Fred, however, refused to do these things and was exiled. Fancy-Pants mocked, ‘Where are your happy people and your riches now?’
The dragons’ dungeon stank of dead bodies and was filled with cries from dragons in distress. Occasionally, the dragons were allowed to work above ground but they were chained and covered in blood where their scales were ripped. They were always threatened with spears. While the dragons were losing hope, Fred spent his days thinking up schemes to overthrow the Tyrants.
One thousand years passed and 90% of the dragon population had died. Dragons live for thousands of years but the humans of that generation had died long ago, except for Fancy-Pants. When Fred eventually escaped from exile, he sent a message to the remaining dragons.
“I will contact our undiscovered cousins, and we will attack at the next full moon.”
At the next full moon, Fred heard a rumbling from above and he shouted: “The time has come! Join me, on this quest to bring back our land and freedom!” The dragons crashed out of the door of the mine and escaped. Below them, their cousins the dinosaurs were fighting a losing battle against the humans and dwarfs. Fred saw Fancy-Pants from the air and flew down and knocked him over. Fred snatched the pencil from Fancy-Pants’ hand, which caused all of Fancy-Pants’ years to come back to him suddenly and he turned into dust.
Following the death of their leader, the humans were lost. The dragons quickly overtook them, but sadly the dinosaurs were annihilated in the battle. The dragons returned to their old land in happiness and peace and quickly repopulated. Little did the dragons know the humans were regrouping just outside their homes and the battle was far from over…
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